

    Developing Smartbanking services at Dong Nai Branch of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam over the period from


    This study proposes some solutions to develop Smartbanking services at Dong Nai Branch of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV Dong Nai) over the period from 2021 to 2026. In this study, the quantitative research method was used to measure and evaluate the quality of Smartbanking services provided by BIDV Dong Nai and 367 individual customers who use the bank’s Smartbanking services were surveyed. The study’s results show that there are six factors affecting the satisfaction of customers with the bank’s Smartbanking services, including: Expected efficiency, Safety and security, Responsiveness, Security assurance, Empathy, and Promotion policy. The study also analyzes and evaluates the current launch of Smartbanking service at BIDV Dong Nai.

    See article details here

    KEYWORDS: Smartbanking, service development, BIDV Dong Nai

    Bui Van Thuy, Vu Thanh Thuy, Dao Thi Lan Anh (2021)

    Viet Nam trade and industry review. ISSN: 0866-7756, No. 24 (10/2021), pp. 307-313.

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