
Center for Admissions and Public Relations established

In early April, LHU announced the decision No. 245/QD-DHLH dated on March 24, 2022 to found the Center for Admissions and Public Relations on the basis of separating and consolidating three divisions including: Admissions, Media and Corporate Relations - Student Support.

Leaders and staff of Admissions and Public Relations Center

According to the decision, Dr. Nguyen Van Trung (Former Head of Admissions Department) was officially appointed as Director of the Center for Admissions and Public Relations. MA. Huynh Thuc Hieu was appointed as Deputy Director of the Center.

Leaders of Center for Admissions and Public Relations: Dr. Nguyen Van Trung - Director (left) and MBA. Huynh Thuc Hieu - Deputy Director 


The Center for Admissions and Public Relations with its slogan "Rejoice - Respect - Responsibility"

The Center's organizational structure includes one Director, one Deputy Director and four Heads of Divisions (Admissions, Media, Corporate Relations and Student Support, Student Care), specialists and collaborators. The center officially came into operation on April 1 with the following functions:

  • - Advise and assist the Rector in managing, synthesizing, proposing opinions and organizing the implementation of enrollment activities;
  • - Orientate the development of the organization, implementation and management of media events for brand promotion activities and enrollment communication within the framework of the State's laws and the University's regulations, timely solving media crisis;
  • - Effectively manage and use equipment and facilities assigned by the University in order to build and develop LHU's image and brand; organizing talk shows, seminars, online consulting, building electronic lesson plans;
  • - Advise and assist the Rector in cooperating with businesses, ensuring internships and jobs for students.

LHU, establish, Center of Admissions and Public Relations

      • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
      • Tel: 0251 3952 778
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